Read this if you want to know what brand of baby we're having.

Have you all been on pins and needles?

Is the suspense killing you?

Are there any other cliches about waiting that I can write while I stall?


Well, okay then.

I am pleased to announce that our wonderful new addition, who is still set to arrive August 8, and who will undoubtedly bring an insane amount of joy to not only our little family but to the entire world...



Yep, my instincts were wrong. And I don't mind a bit.

And yes, the technician was extremely confident. She said it wasn't just the absence of boy parts, but the obvious presence of girl parts. Even I could tell from the picture. thankyouverymuch.

So there you have it. In 5 short months there will be another little Harris princess.

Can you wait? Because I can't.